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· Magnum 257 Mic Wiring Diagram CB radio microphone wiring guide To view microphone wiring configuration click on your chosen cb radio Notice the black mic plug has the numbers it is solder by numbers Used rosin core silver solder radio shack sells it Mic Wiring Stock 1Shield Magnum Documentation Project CBTricksFREQUENCY MODIFICATION Step #1 Make sure Magnum 257 is turned off and disconnected from power source!Captian_radio 5 1 1006 957 pm President Jackson Talk back Kid_vicious 8 1 1006 13 am Talkback on Mag 257/357DX Navyrebel7003 3 1 1245 pm Power Amp Question Kid_vicious 21 1 1046 pm EKL HP conversion?

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Magnum 257 radio
Magnum 257 radio- · I love my 257 but if you really like Magnum series, check out the Magnum Alpha or Delta Force They resemble the Galaxy radios slightly but have a liquid display frequency counter The radios both have RCI digital echo (an option sadly not included in the 257 · Equipment Used mobile 4000hp base 9 radio base magnum257hp mobile magnum 257 standed power Age 64 Subject Re Magnum 257HP Sun Jul 05, 546 pm

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The Magnum CB Radio Family If you consider yourself , Thimble Display Cases to be a CB radio devotee, then you probably have heard about the latest addition to the Magnum CB Radio family consider, RC Fighting Robots the 10 Meter Magnum 257 radio Upon viewing the Magnum 257 for the first time, its miniature size and compressed design checkout, Collectible Model MilitaryThis is the newest version of the Magnum 257HP with the builtin RFX75 power section you'll get a lot of power in a small, compact radio As is the tradition with Magnum radios, the 257 has gone through many manufacturing updates, this is the latest model with the bugs from previous versions finally fixed and fleshed out Ideal for sideband operation in the 10 meter band and offering aThe Magnum 257 is a twin final radio and easily puts out 35 watts PEP on sideband The output of this radio will fry most if not all transistorized CB amplifiers The minimum amplifier to use with this radio is one with 4 transistors like a Texas Star TS500 or something with valves rated for 5060w input Do not use an amplifier with a
· The Magnum 257 HP is basically the same radio as the previous blue version but with the RFX 75 added It has a great receiver on it but like the original it definitely picks up more noise in a mobile install than many other radios If you live or drive in a noisy electrical enviornment I would say look for something with better ANL/NB abilitiesMagnum 257HP is the High Power version of former Magnum 257 FEATURES, FUNCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS In original mode · Microprocessor Controlled Transceiver · to MHz Frequency Range · Max 80 Watts RF Output Power · Uses RFX75 Module as final stage! · Call Sign 163dt307 Re Magnum 257 Internal Pictures required Post by dt307 » Dec 16, 1735 if its quiet in work i will whip it out of the car and do it later you can get the pics of the pcb and full schems on line from the midland alan site if i recall 163dt307chris
· Using ERF30 and ERF7530 as final · Variable Power In All ModesOne of the smallest full feature 10 meter radios made!!It is the same as the previous 30w 257 Magnum radio model Just more power **Compact size!!

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Also See for Magnum 257 Magnum 257 Operating Manual 12 pages Related Manuals for Magnum 257 Transceiver Magnum S3 Owner's Manual Am/fm/pm/ssb/pa transceiver (8 pages)The Magnum 257 and 257DX were a digital style 10 meter mobile radio transceiver that was popular among both hams and CB operators alike Read All Reviews Below · Microprocessor Controlled Transceiver · to MHz Frequency Range · 30 Watts RF Output Power · Variable Power In All Modes · FM / USB / LSB / AM · In my search for a good fairly high powered and affordable single band rig for ten meters, I can only find the Magnum 257, and the MFJ Adventure radio I am very interested in the Magnum What is the general conscious on this radio If you say it is bad, then by all means show me something that is better

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· NOTICE Please restrain your antiCB agenda in this thread I am asking for a honest assetment of this radio _____ In my search for a good fairly high powered and affordable single band rig for ten meters, I can only find the Magnum 257, and the MFJ Adventure radio I am very interested in the Magnum What is the general conscious on this radioPresident Export Radio on Amazon https//amznto/2F9EgNiAnyTone Export Radio on Amazon https//amznto/2Fa64http//wwwcbradiomagazinecom A short introd · MAGNUM 257HP New Model Mods MAGNUM 257HP AM/FM/SSB 10 METER MOBILE AMATEUR TRANSCEIVER FREQUENCY MODIFICATION / EXPANSION Step #1 Make sure Magnun 257HP is turned off and disconnected from power sourcel Step #2 Remove Speaker Side Cover & disconnect the Black & White Speaker Wire from the Rear of the Main PCB Board Step #3

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Magnum 257 Page 3 Transmission1
Magnum 257 for Richard in Elgin TX AUG11httpwwwBellsComTo buy a radio like thishttp//wwwbellscbcom/products/tenmeter/Magnum/Magnum_257HPhtmOne of the smallest full feature 10 meter radios made!!The Magnum 257 comes standard with dual finals giving it output power in the range of 15 Watts AM and 2535 Watts on SSB depending on how the radio is tuned The radio I owned and tested was the older yellow display model which is no longer sold The new models have the blue display Although this is a 10 meter radio it can be modified for

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Magnum 257 Magnum 257HP Magnum 357DX 150W Magnum 457DX 250W Radioshack HTX10 Storm Tornado SSB Titan Roadpro RPSY485 Yeticomnz Optima Yeticomnz Optima MKII Yeticomnz Optima MKIII Dimensions (W) 15,2cm X (H) 5,2cm X (D) 22,8cm Up & Down Mike 1 Audio 2 RX 3 TX 4 Up & Down 5 Ground 6 12V wwwcbradionl does not sell radios orHook up radio to power and turn on for a minimum of 10 seconds Turn off radio and disconnect from all power sources Remove Bottom cabinet cover Remove (unsolder) Diode D2 This is theMagnum 257 HP Mobile CB Transceiver Specs Manuals (0) Reviews (0) Prices (0) Compare Add a review Add to my shack Login or Register to upload images Find Magnum 257 HP rigs and spare parts on eBay We receive a small fee when you buy through this link, thank you!

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Kid_vicious 13 1 1054 pm Uniden Madison/Cobra 00 Channel Mods?? · CB Radio Magnum 257 older version Mods Includes Radios Titan II RPSY485;The 80 watt Magnum 257HP 10 meter radio is the same as the previous Magnum 257 30w model Just more power **Compact size!!

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Please like and subscribeMagnum 257 Radio 10/11 meter Transmit and receives will not be dead on arrival comes with all original accessories Shipped with USPS2 Take off speakerside cabinet 3 Find the CPU Reset Board located near the rear panel of the radio (see diagram below) 4 On the CPU Reset Board are 4 jumper positions (CON1 CON4) Each jumper position provides a different frequency

Magnum 257hp New Model Mods Radioaficion

Magnum 257 Cb Radio Am Fm Ssb In 8 Birmingham Fur 80 00 Zum Verkauf Shpock At
In reference to the Magnum 257 mod, I just got a new one and there's been a slight change There is now a "reset board" inside the radio that contains a reset button so you don't have to short out the board to reset Also, the diode that you clip to get extra frequencies is no longer thereThe MAGNUM 257 features a supercapacitor back up for the 5 memory channels The 257 be discon nected from a power source for approximately 4 or 5 days before the memory is lost 5 6 8 9 STEP NB MEMORY CHANNEL 1 (continued) MEMORY CHANNEL 1 After programming, this but ton is memory channel I See MLOAD MSAVE conPresident Export Radio on Amazon https//amznto/2F9EgNi AnyTone Export Radio on Amazon https//amznto/2Fa64 http//wwwcbradiomagazinecom We got our

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Magnum 257hp 10 Meter Am Fm Ssb Export Review Cb Radio Magazine
Magnum 257 Xtreme Echo Power Microphone New June 11 Magnum 257 Xtreme echo power microhone for 257HP radio The new M257 mic from RF limited also has adjustable echo The variable talkback located on the back of the mic No battries needed The Magnum extreme 257 echo mic is powered by your radios internal voltage via the mic jackThe entire frequency range of the Magnum 257 Increases or decreases the energy developed in the can be stepped through in 10 or 100 kHz increments Page 9 To activate the programmed offset frequency, press for programming instructions the FUNC button, and then press the SHIFT button once SHIFT is displayed on the LCD The 257 will 7Magnum 257 Models before 11/04 TUNE – UP / POWER TWEAKS Remove bottom cover Locate RV16 (AM Power) Adjust RV16 for a carrier of 10 watts on AM mode with the RF Power knob turned fully clockwise With the RF Power knob turned fully counterclockwise, the AM carrier should be 1 watt Locate RV4

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· This is what separates the Magnum 257 from the 257 HP model This little but versatile amp can be found on a number of Magnum radio products, such as the Magnum OmegaForce S45 HP and others They are also sold individually from various CB shops as an addon to other brandname radios on the market, such as Cobra, Galaxy, and so on · In my search for a good fairly high powered and affordable single band rig for ten meters, I can only find the Magnum 257, and the MFJ Adventure radio I am very interested in the Magnum What is the general conscious on this radio If you say it is bad, then by all means show me something that is betterThe Magnum 257 is a microprocessor controlled, user programmable radio combining high RF performance with a userfriendly environment The 257 is a 12 volt DC, HF transceiver designed for mobile use The transceiver utilizes the latest in surface mount production techniques This keeps the size of the unit to a

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Magnum 257 Older Version Mods Radioaficion
This new magnum 10 meter radio has Blue backlit LCD display, AM, FM, SSB, repeater offset, frequency scanning and more Magnum 257 HP 10 meter radios *MicroprocessorThis is Part 2 of the first Review of the Magnum 257 HP outside the USA This second video takes a look inside the unit and also at the new RFX 75 output uniMagnum 257 Modification Update 1 Make sure Magnum 257 is turned off and disconnected from power source!!

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Superstar 4900 Mobile ;Find great deals on eBay for magnum 257 Shop with confidence · Magnum 257 There is nothing wrong with this radio except what has been said about jumping every 10Khz,but technically speaking is even better than many amateur designed radios,its dual conversion receiver (107/455) instead of the single conversion HTX10,it has an excellent audio either on RX and TX,easy to operate and the best of all its very small to fit in any car

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Magnum 257 Documentation Project CBTrickscom PLL Alignment Caution Set the frequency of Radio MHz and then adjust T22 so as VCO fin freq to be KHz 3 Put the lead of frequency counter on TP4 (pin 7 IC3) at RX mode a) Adjust T24 soMay 11, 15 IN STOCK MAYJUNE 14 Magnum 257HP 80w Magnum 257 HP 10 Meter Radio This is one of our top selling radios This batch is likely the last new Magnum 257 HP's you will ever find Order now When they're gone they're gone! · I've read several things that state NOT to use ranger mics on magnum 257 radios BBB, that it will fry the radio because they use a different method of channel changing that aren't compatible the 18 mic looks interesting, thanks for letting me know about it, but not really in line with what I'm doing

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Step #2 Take off speakerside cabinet Step #3 Find the CPU Reset Board located near the Front panel of the radio located behind the Microphone Connector Step #4 On the CPU Reset Board there are 4 jumper positions (CON1 / CON2 / CON3 / CON4)If you want to add echo to your Magnum 257 radio, this microphone will do the trick Does not require a battery Providing the best sounding echo in the industry, the Turbo Extreme 18 is the standard by all other echo microphones are comparedThis new magnum 10 meter radio has Blue backlit LCD display, AM, FM, SSB, repeater offset, frequency scanning and more Click View Detail for more information, owners manual and information on the

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Magnum EC18XTR Overview ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH MAGNUM 257 and 257HP RADIOS!The Magnum DeltaForce is a 10 meter export radio with AM, FM, CW and LSB/USB capabilities It is modifiable for extended frequency coverage (including CB band) and has an LCD display with 5 digit frequency display When we discuss features, this radio really is the full package Let s discuss a couple of the key features that make theThe Magnum 257 HP with it's blue lights is the perfect compliment to a newer vehicle So in closing, the Magnum 257 HP has been a favorite for years and this new version takes that same radio and gives it a steroid boost If you liked the Magnum 257 previously you're going to like the new HP version

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Feb 17, 17 Amazoncom Magnum 257 Xtreme Echo 6Pin CB Radio Microphone with Echo Volume and Delay Controls Works with Magnum 257 and 257HP, Uniden BC680, BC0, and BC980SSB Radios Car ElectronicsMagnum 257 Service Manual Owner's Manual (Courtesy of Drumwreck) ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES PLL Alignment Transmitter Alignment

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